
Constipation is defined as the difficulty in performing the right kinds of bowel movements, which are essential in voiding the toxic waste materials of digestion. When constipation occurs, the person is not able to pass stools properly and in the right kind of frequency. This means, the toxins are getting retained within the body, which can lead to a host of complications within a short time. Constipation is infrequent bowel movements, three or fewer per week. In life almost everyone has constipation at one or the other time. Sometimes it is for short duration or sometimes it lasts long. When it is for short time then it is not much serious. It is really not necessary that you should have bowel movement every day. It is really not much true thing. Necessary number of bowel movements is not fixed. This number depends on how much you eat, how active you are, and some other things. Women and adults more than 65 years old suffer more from constipation. If you observe the causes of constipation, you can prevent it very well.

Constipation - Causes :--- Ayurveda treats constipation as a problem arising due to the predominance of the vata dosha In fact, all people with the vata constitution have this problem to some extent or the other. From an Ayurvedic point of view, dietary bad habits are the main cause of constipation. The following are some of the dietary factors that lead to constipation:-

Ø Eating at different times each day

Ø Eating too late than the normal time

Ø Eating food that is difficult to digest

Ø Eating food without roughage (or foods that contain fiber content)

Ø Eating mostly dry foods

Ø Drinking too many beverages like tea and coffee

Ø Drinking too many cold drinks

Ø Not drinking enough water

Apart from these, Ayurveda has also pinpointed various environmental and behavioral factors that can lead to constipation. The following are these:-

Ø Vices like smoking

Ø Staying awake till late at night

Ø Sleeplessness or insomnia

Ø Mental worries and tensions

Ø Feelings of guilt and fear

Ø Age

Ø Fatigue

Ø Depression/Anxiety

Ø Negative/Anti-social Behavior

Ø Excess Weight

Ø Hemorrhoids

Ø Elevated Temperature

Ø Body Odor

Ø Skin Spots/Rashes

Ø Mental Dullness/Confusion

Ø Ear Ache

Ø Sinus Problems/Allergies

Ø Nausea/Vomiting

Ø Poor Circulation

Ø Difficult bowel movement

Constipation - Symptoms

Child constipation symptoms

some of the symptoms of children with constipation include:

Ø Stomachache

Ø Fecal incontinence - similar to diarrhea

Ø Soiling underclothes

Ø Refusal to go to the bathroom

Ø Loss of appetite - such as in children holding back a bowel motion

Ø Not eating much - despite being hungry

Ø Hard stool

Ø Holding back a bowel movement

There are various signs in children:

Ø Squatting

Ø Crossing legs

Ø Clenching buttocks

Ø Rocking

Ø Red face

Constipation: Complications

Review medical complications possibly associated with Constipation:

Ø Hemorrhoids

Ø Anal fissure

Ø Diarrhea

Ø Fecal incontinence

Ø Rectal bleeding

Ø Rectal prolapse

Acute constipation, which usually indicates accumulation of toxins in the colon (ama), as in cases of fevers, severe bloating or gas fasting and a light diet should be followed.
Dietary issues should be looked at in the first place. The aim should be to have oily and bulky foods like, dairy products, whole grains, bran, raw fruits and vegetables. Fruit juices like prune and grape can be taken. Olive and sesame oil should be used.

Ø Triphala is a very famous Ayurvedic compound it consists of three tropical fruits, haritaki, amalaki, and bibhitaki. It is an excellent general colon cleanser and tonic as well as a Rasayan (rejuvenator). The normal dose is 5–15 gm. taken at bedtime with lukewarm water.

Ø Aloe gel 1-2 teaspoons three times a day is also good.

Ø Psyllium husk powder 1-2 teaspoons in warm water before sleeping is also very good.

Ø Strong laxatives like senna and rhubarb are good for acute constipation but should be used with caution. In the long run they can precipitate constipation.

Ø Enema – many cases of acute and chronic constipation which are not benefited by the above medications may requires enema therapy. A word of caution though; enema should only be undertaken under the guidance of an Ayurvedic expert only.
Other remedies:

Ø The digestion must be improved with the use of light spices like, cumin seeds, coriander, turmeric powder, fennel and asafetida.

Ø Drinking a glass of warm milk at the time of going to bed helps in evacuation, the next morning.

Ø Do not stay up late in the night. Regulate your sleeping hours. Ayurveda advises to go to bed early and rise early.

Ø In the morning after waking up, drinking a glass or two of water, preferably warm water, and then waiting for a few minutes before going for evacuation helps in cleaning the bowels.

Ø Massaging the whole body with oil (abhayanga) once or twice a week and applying oil or ghee on the naval every day helps in curing constipation.

Prevantion of Constipation

Some ways of preventing constipation are given below:

Ø Having adequate exercise.

Ø Taking time for having bowel movement, when it is necessary .

Ø Drinking more water and other liquids.

Ø Using laxatives only when they are advised by a doctor.

Ø Checking with doctor if any medicine you having can cause constipation.

Ø High fiber fruits, fresh fruits, Vegetables like brussels sprouts, cabbage, asparagus, carrot, grains and bran, cereals etc. include in your diet.


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